If I could turn back the hands of time
One word that is reflective of soooooo much in a person's life.
I can recall a line in the movie Center Stage (yes, I loved that movie - I actually own it and I'm not ashamed) where the bulimic girls mother tells her "I know what regret feels like and I don't want that for you, I know what it's like to look back and wish". I had no idea viewing that movie for the first time or the 30 subsequent times I viewed it after that I'd be able to relate to that line in any way before I was at least 40. As I sit at my desk at a job that I hate I've started listing me regrets. Here are a few:
5.) I regret going to an all girl's high school
I've mentioned this before so I won't elaborate but I and
wannabestarlet still have a tremendous amount of bitterness over our high school years
4.) I regret not having more fun in college
Why oh why wasn't I kicking it, hoe-ing out and just living life to it's fullest when I was college. Had I known then it would be my last chance to enjoy life essentially free of any real responsibility I definitely would have.
3.) I regret not being involved in any sort of organized sports team when I was younger
At least I would have been in shape at some point in my damn life.
I refuse to even start that rant.
2.) I regret every single day I've spent working at a job that I don't like
I hate my company and I've wasted soooooo much time here working my ass off for basically nothing, working for people who don't give a shit about me, and just wasting my talent and hard work in a place that does not respect or reward any of it's employees. This place is a fucking nightmare.
1.) I regret not having the courage to go to art school
This is my number one regret because everyday that I'm working anywhere I know I'll wish I had the guts to follow my heart and not my head which tells me it's not safe to bet on a maybe. I look at art students with barely concealed envy because I wish I had at least tried.
One word that is reflective of soooooo much in a person's life.
I can recall a line in the movie Center Stage (yes, I loved that movie - I actually own it and I'm not ashamed) where the bulimic girls mother tells her "I know what regret feels like and I don't want that for you, I know what it's like to look back and wish". I had no idea viewing that movie for the first time or the 30 subsequent times I viewed it after that I'd be able to relate to that line in any way before I was at least 40. As I sit at my desk at a job that I hate I've started listing me regrets. Here are a few:
5.) I regret going to an all girl's high school
I've mentioned this before so I won't elaborate but I and
wannabestarlet still have a tremendous amount of bitterness over our high school years
4.) I regret not having more fun in college
Why oh why wasn't I kicking it, hoe-ing out and just living life to it's fullest when I was college. Had I known then it would be my last chance to enjoy life essentially free of any real responsibility I definitely would have.
3.) I regret not being involved in any sort of organized sports team when I was younger
At least I would have been in shape at some point in my damn life.
I refuse to even start that rant.
2.) I regret every single day I've spent working at a job that I don't like
I hate my company and I've wasted soooooo much time here working my ass off for basically nothing, working for people who don't give a shit about me, and just wasting my talent and hard work in a place that does not respect or reward any of it's employees. This place is a fucking nightmare.
1.) I regret not having the courage to go to art school
This is my number one regret because everyday that I'm working anywhere I know I'll wish I had the guts to follow my heart and not my head which tells me it's not safe to bet on a maybe. I look at art students with barely concealed envy because I wish I had at least tried.
At 6:47 PM,
cookie21204 said…
high school sucked. that is all.
At 8:11 PM,
Julian said…
First things first- I own Center Stage and will admit it freely- it's super corny and I love it.
Regrets are hard...I try not to have them, but I share some of the same ones as you. For example, I wish that I had joined a sorority in college. And I definitely wish that I participated in sports as a child- I'm paying the price now!
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