Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The life ruiners

It's been a while to say the least. I've been uninspired and made the conscious choice not to just write about bullshit just to add posts to my blog. To be honest I actually thought about deleting it because I rarely ever post.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I think my drought has come to an end thanks to one four letter word. One of the most vile words in the human language in my humble opinion. It's a word that brings a shudder of fear and painful memories to most people who hear it. That word my friends is ACNE. Yes acne. Acne inspired me to post again. To be completely accurate it's actually a bump that inspired it. Bumps are life ruiners and inspired the title of this piece. Please bear with me because this will be a complete rant.

Right now I have a bump on the side of my nose. Actually it's a horror bump. Horror bump is a phrase my best friend wannabestarlet and I coined years ago while we were still in high school suffering through what we though was just the "teenage acne" phase of our lives. This bump looks like a leg growing out of my face. and it actually took an enormous amount of courage for me to even go to work today.Do you ever sit back and think about all of the bullshit you were told growing up?? Bullshit information you were fed like people telling you going to college guarantes success and hard work and dedication to anything some how translates to success. It's utter bullshit. (I'll save debunking such myths for another post - damn I'm on fire!) One such piece of shit was the notion that you "grow out" of acne. Everytime I would break out in high school I used to take comfort in the fact that when I hit about 20 I'd never break out again. Wannabe thought the exact same thing so I know I didn't just make that shit up myself. Both our mothers played arm chair shrink and tried to comfort us by telling us the same lie. I can remember looking at her clear face a believing it whole heartedly. I know there are more of you out there that heard the same thing. Acne goes away when you grow up. Yeah right I'm 27 and writing about acne right now.

Wannabe (and basically everyone who really knows me) thinks I'm obsessed with my skin and I blow any breakout waaaaay out of proportion. Seriously my boyfriend thinks I'm nuts when it comes to my skin. Any bump basically sends me over the edge. As I type this I'm itching to grab my mirror out of my purse just to stare at this nightmare on my face. I have a problem - I know - but outside of therapy it's not going anywhere. A large part of it is I really don't think I should be going through this shit at 27. Acne should be a thing of the past by now. Now I'm not saying that I'm Alicia Keys at her worst or anything, but my face breaks out waaaay too frequently. I spend more time fighting bumps than I do with clear skin. Frustration led me to the ProActiv knock off Ance Free. Believe it or not the shit works. It cleared my skin up. I think the monster I'm dealing with now is a phenomenon known only to the ladies guys, it's a period bump. In addition to the pain and just general grossness of a monthly period, women have to deal with hormonal break outs that tend to occur right before, right after, or during our periods. So that's what three weeks out of the month??? It's a nightmare. Period bumps are easily identified by their sheer size because they're HUGE (hence the arm growing out of my nose) and the fact that they hurt like hell and take forever to go away. It's a real treat let me tell you.

So, here I sit flipped out yet again dealing with my new life ruiner and wondering when will this shit finally come to an end?? My mother told me it would all go away one day and I still believe her.


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