Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Upcoming blogs

I have been so busy lately, that blogging has fallen very very very far down on my list of priorities. I do however have several blogs in the works that I will be posting soon. Here's a short list of upcoming blogs:

Some people need dysfunctional relationships
My co-worker looks like predator
How do stupid people stay ahead?
Are all people liars?
Most people are idiots
Paris Hilton is what's wrong with this planet
I can't stand hypocritical situational hoes
Honey, you're not small enough to wear that outfit yet

Those are just a few of the working blogs I'm developing right now, I promise they won't disappoint


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