Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Am I still an attention whore?

This is my very first blog. So, welcome to my world! I'm one of those people that feel remarkably lucky because they actually have more than two functioning brain cells. I have millions of opinions, and this is my first venture into the great unknown to express them. The creation of this very blog leads me to question my motives for its creation. My best friend blogs, and I have enjoyed reading her musings, so I felt compelled to... I can't think of anything that sounds believable to follow that statement. I will reluctantly tell the truth; I want attention. Yes, I want attention. Somewhere deep inside it makes me feel good to get positive attention from other people. I admit it. I'm not boasting, I'm admitting. There's actually no shame in it. Most people love positive attention from other people. There are lots of whores out there. Nothing wrong with whoring when it's not out of control.

It started in college. I was one of those serious students. I was always rushing some where, I looked busy/mean according to all of the people sitting in the student center playing spades. I didn't have time to socialize with the mere mortals studying criminal justice, psychology, or underwater basketball dribbling. No, I was part of the elite group of super students that ascended to Mount Olympus to take my classes. Biochem major, minor in Biology, in the Honors college, on track to graduate cumma sum laude, the works. When I would actually meet one of the spade players, and mention one of the aforementioned facts they were almost knocked off their feet by how impressive it was. Hell, it was impressive if I do say so myself (Part of me knows you, the reader, are impressed. It makes me feel good).

I didn't care at first. I was surrounded by other super geeks, and what I was doing wasn't that uncommon. Then I basked in it as I met people who came to college mainly to socialize, and therefore couldn't fathom someone who showed up to LEARN. I was soon using it as a weapon to cut down those spade playing basketball dribblers. "Must be nice to have time to sleep," I would sneer arrogantly to my fellow Olympians. Or, "I would have gone to the club last night if I didn't have exams in Physics 40000, Organic Chem 70000, and Thermodynamics 90000." I loved it.

Fast forward to present day. I currently bask in the due respect I receive when people find out I'm pursing my PhD in Biochem from my IVY League school. I still love it. Still a whore. Well aware of it. At some point I will have a conversation where I will mention this blog, and the computer illiterate person I'm talking to will be impressed. The cycle will continue. That's the real reason why I started the blog. I'm glad I know myself.


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