Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

People are fucking assholes!!!!!!!!!

I must preface this post by saying that all it takes is one ignorant ass motherfucker to set you off, ruin your day, and make you hate people in general. A stupid toothless bug-eyed bastard that works at 7-Eleven is responsible for this tirade!

People are fucking assholes. That's the conclusion that I've reached. It's the explanation for all the unnecessary rudeness, general unacceptable ignorance, and absolute idiocy that we few civilized individuals have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. People are just assholes. That's why they act the way they do. Don't put any more thought into understanding their behavior. That car that cut you off as you were on your way to work and almost caused you to topple into a ditch, the ignorant ghetto rat that's smacking on gum and talking extremely loud on her cell phone during a movie while her three rug rats are running up and down the aisles, even the rude ass old lady that stepped up to the counter when the deli girl asked who's next and you stare at her in shock because you were about to open your mouth to place your order. These people are fucking assholes! So are those people that bump into you on the street and don't excuse themselves, that ignorant ass sales associate that didn't stop talking on the phone to ring you up, and those hating bitches that look you up and down, roll their eyes, and then lean over to their Chewbacca looking friend and drawls, "That bitch think she all that." No bitch, I don't think I'm all that, you're a hating ass asshole!!!! Assholes are everywhere, assholes make you want to become an asshole yourself just to cope with their behavior. Assholes obliviously inspire tirades like this everyday and even if they knew their behavior was wrong and offensive they wouldn't care. In fact, they would probably be happy on some level.

I almost lost it on the toothless bug-eyed asshole that inspired this tirade. I was simply trying to buy a pop and a magazine before I boarded my train home. I was actually in a good mood. The drink was $1.99, and so was the magazine. Bug-eyed rings me up and says $6.41. I know sales tax is outrageous, but not that outrageous.
"How much was the magazine," I ask.
"It's $3.89 miss," he replied with unnecessary disgust.
"How can it be $3.89, when it's printed ON the magazine $1.99," I ask.

I was actually still calm at this point. Bug-eyed decided to resort to a tactic that a lot of ignorant black people just loooooove to use on fellow black people in front of a mixed audience (i.e. people of different races). He decided to front me off.

"Look lady," throwing his hands in the air talking loud, "it's what it rings up as, I don't put the prices in the system."

I look around because clearly he wasn’t talking to me. I look at the people in line behind me, they’re gaping eyebrows raised, waiting for the show. I can almost read their minds, “That black lady is about to lose it, black women always lose it. Let’s wait for the show.”

"Well take it off," I'm pissed and holding myself back from swinging on his ass because I recognize his fronting and the looks of the spectators "I don't want the magazine then."

Ignorant ass people only understand ignorance, so you have to stoop to their level and get ignorant when they try to punk you. More often than not the reply to such rudeness usually begins with the phrase, "I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but..." I choose not to go that far. Believe me it took major restraint.

Bug-eyed must have seen the rage that contorted my face, and the fact that my fist is balled up. My look clearly says, “I’ll fuck you up, so don’t make me go there.”

"I'm not trying to give you a hard time, miss."
"Did I say you were?" I reply rudely.
"Well you know, it's what it rang up..."I cut him off,
"I don't care, take the magazine off so I can pay for the drink and catch my damn train."

I paid for the drink, and he mumbled something else as he gave me my change. I gave him a look that would have curdled milk, and walked out of the store before I changed my mind about punching him in the face. I refuse to be part of a spectacle. Just another asshole, being himself by acting like an asshole, and ruining someone’s damn day.

The sad part is, this is not an unusual situtation. Encounters with assholes of varying degrees are the norm now. They gleefully provoke you. They cut in front of you in line, are rude to you for no reason, step on your feet, refuse to bathe, talk to loud on their cell phones, take twenty minutes ordering their food at Burger King, hate on you, lie about you, steal your wallet, and just basically ignore all the rules of civilized behavior. All I have to say is fuck them. Recognize the fact that they’re assholes, and move on. Tell them to kiss your ass, and try not to let it ruin your damn day.


  • At 1:18 PM, Blogger Icey said…

    I AGREE WITH THIS ENTIRE POST!!! My biggest "people are fucking asshole" encounters:

    If I say good morning or hello to you, don't look me in the face saying good morning to you and then NOT respond

    If I let you over in the middle of traffic at least wave, flick me off or soemthing

    And don't try to bogard (sure I spelled that wrong) your way into my lane, especially if I am halfway in front of you already!! Ugh

    You handled your situation beautifully!


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