Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

When you sacrifice food for high-speed internet, something is wrong with you

Predator, Predator, Predator. I seriously don't understand her. I'm actually glad that I don't because if I did something would seriously be wrong with me. She is a complete..... weirdo for lack of a better adjective. She is the strangest person I have ever met, seriously. I've even included those wandering bums, various mental patients and anyone else who I've ever seen arguing with themselves, randomly attacking innocent bystanders, or even happily defecating on a public sidewalk at 12:00 noon. I can't for the life of me understand how she's avoided living in an alley fishing in a dumpster for food. She's a germaphobe, she won't touch public door handles without a paper towel, but if she drops a piece of food on the floor she will pick it up and eat it. Apparently mouth germs aren't as bad as hand germs. Go figure. She actually inspired the title of this blog, it's the absolute truth she prefers cable TV and high speed internet to food!!!!!

Predator has caviar taste with clearance bin chicken of the sea money. No, a better analogy is Maybach taste, when she can barely afford to buy her bus pass from month to month. It's that serious. It takes a paycheck and a half to pay her rent. She barely has any money left over for the month after rent and utilities, cable/internet bill, NetFlix, and an obvious addiction to computer hardware. Food is not in that equation at all you may notice. She went to the grocery store one weekend and spent all of her money on cleaning supplies. Not food. You may recall that she is the same person who is trying to get a 51in T.V. She bought an expensive MP3 player when she got a bonus at work. The MP3 player was roughly $220. But, the ear phones that came with it did not fit in her ears appropriately so she ordered $70 noise canceling headphones. Then the ear pads on the head phones juuuuust weren't good enough, they didn't fit snug enough, so she ordered special disposable ear pads that are $25 for two pair. So, when all of this was finally to her satisfaction, she had to stop listening to the damn thing because she has an ear infection. She's had the ear infection for more than a month but won't go to the doctor. Predator is so broke that she did not turn on her heat during the winter because she couldn't afford the heating bill so, it baffles me how she had no qualms whatsoever about spending roughly three hundred and fifteen dollars on an MP3 player and its accessories. It was so cold in her apartment that she had to sleep in her winter gloves and hat. Warmth apparently takes a back seat to carrying around your own personal juke-box. So does hunger. Go figure.

I could go on forever about what a lunatic she is, but I'll try to cut it short and get to the high-speed internet thing. That actually came up in a conversation four of us were having at work. She was starving, as usual. We could actually hear her stomach growling. She had absolutely no food at home, and didn't have enough money to buy something to eat until we got paid. She made a comment about her cable bill being well over a hundred dollars with the high-speed internet and she didn't have any money because she had just paid it. Got Some made the ridiculous suggestion to get rid of either the internet, or the cable to cut her costs down. "BLASPHEMY!!!!!! GET RID OF CABLE OR HIGH SPEED INTERNET. Is it possible to live without either of them?" She was absolutely incredulous. We tried to calm Predator down by amending the suggestion; instead of getting rid of one of them switch to a less expensive internet service or cable service. "What?????? Comcast has the guide, what's the use of having cable without the guide?" I can't set reminders, or see what's coming on later in the week, or search for movies, what about ON Demand?" Not an option apparently. Silence followed her outburst. "Honestly Predator", I ask, "is cable and high speed internet really that important??" To which she replied, "I would starve, before I got rid of my cable and internet." She obviously wasn't lying because she was starving during that very conversation. I'll stop right there.

That conversation was months ago, and nothing has changed. Predator is still starving, her cable and internet are still going strong, and she doesn't think anything is wrong with her situation. She's met someone however, and when they go out to eat, she stuffs her purse with biscuits or anything she can sneak out so she will have something to eat later. When asked why she replied, "Oh I needed to buy a new color printer, it's the perfect color, and looks so nice sitting next to my new scanner, I didn't have enough money to get something to eat." It's really so sad and senseless. The girl is hungry every single day, when she does get to eat she looks like a barbarian, utensils aren't necessary as she barely chews. She actually ate the crumbs out of an empty birthday cake box that someone was about to throw away after an office party. I just shake my head and let her be, I just don't get it. Hunger in exchange for cable and internet . . . is there really anything left for me to say?


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