Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My co-worker looks like predator

Out of necessity, one of my co-workers got her hair cut. Her hair died a very painful over-processed, split-end death. Scalp irritation, and the pleas of a dermatologist, prompted her to put her hair out of its misery. This decision was painful for her, hey, you know black women like to hold on to their hair length at all costs. After a few months and a few layers of skin from her scalp, she finally cut it. This is where everything started to go wrong. First, I must preface this by saying she's one of those people that doesn't believe in going to a beautician because it costs to much money. She seriously won't go for anything. She relaxes her own hair and cuts her own hair. This wouldn't be a problem if she did a good job. She doesn't. Hence the scalp issues, and the hair cut.

So, let's fast forward to the hair cut. She couldn't relax her hair for three months, so having a plan would have helped. She didn't have one, and came back to work with a mess. She decided on a hair cut that combined with her hair texture was a disaster. When your hair is super nappy, a very short cut requires you to use extra strength relaxer and be very diligent about hair appointments. Do you see the problem already? I sure did. The cut: a short, tapered in the back, almost spikey creation that some poor beautician must have cried about later. When something starts out wrong, it's less than likely it will work itself out. This was true to that.

Instead of silently criticizing this disaster, I offered to help. I personally have a bit of an obsession with hair products, and hair styles. You name the product I can tell you all about it. I also can tell you the best conditioner, shampoo, relaxer, and anything else by brand. I can even customize a collection of hair products for a person based on hair type. No, I've never desired to be a hair dresser, I'm just really in to hair care (I won't mention that I posses the same skills when it comes to make-up, and skin care products... I'm thinking of starting a service). I offered some carefully delivered advice. I suggested that she try a hair balm or wax to give her hair some structure and go for the spikey hair look. With the shape of her face, it would have looked very cute. She tried to take my advice, at first. Then frustration, combined with I'm sure a bit of disinterest took over, and she just let the napps take over. It wasn't a pretty sight let me tell you. A daily mess. I know quite a few of our co-workers laughed at her, and I don't blame them.

After toiling away at that disaster, which must have been exhausting, she was inspired by one of our co-workers to try a wig. Hey, considering what she was working with, I assumed anything would help her head. Alas, I was wrong. I walked in to work one Monday, and predator was sitting at her desk. I'm not kidding, she looked just like predator! In fact it was predator with dirty hair! She had purchased a fall wig (the kind that you are supposed to comb the front of your hair over) that clearly cost 50 cents, and nearly fell to her waist. I'm not exaggerating. It looked God-awful. She had attempted to corn-row the front of her hair, and attach the mop where the corn rows stopped. Just awful. I was careful not to lie and tell her it was cute, but I did comment in a positive tone of voice, "Girrrrl, look at you!" I made sure I was smiling and giving proper attention to the mess, because I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

What shocked me more than the hair disaster was how many people told her it looked GOOD! People actually told her "the tacky dirty predator" was a cute style. They were clearly lying right? I hope to God they were, because I'm actually more comfortable with thinking people are lying to be nice, and don't actually think that something that resembles an over used mop sitting on someone's head is cute.


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