Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

It has to get better than this

It's been a while since I posted to say the least. I'm sitting at work absolutely bored out of my skull, and I've decided to post simply because I'm not doing anything else. Well actually a combination of boredom and self disgust made me post simply to vent. I'm disgusted with myself because I'm absolutely unabashedly obsessed with that damn show Laguna Beach!!! It actually makes me feel a little better to shift some of the blame for my obsession to my best friend wannabestarlet because she started my addiction. I sit and watch every single re-run and even eagerly wait for the next installment. Though a devoted fan I actually watch this show and seethe for several reasons:

1. My high school years were nothing like those spoiled ass brats. I (and wannabe) went to an all girls catholic high school. To this day I regret that shit. Not only was it socially stagnating, it also took me ten steps back in the wardrobe department once I entered college. I didn't have a damn thing to wear and when I did buy something trying to put it together did not come easy. Seriously, people have no idea what it's like to suddenly have to throw together outfits when you've been wearing a uniform everyday for 12 years.

2. We didn't look like that in high school. Okay the uniform thing non withstanding WE DID NOT LOOK LIKE THESE KIDS. They look older than I do now and in addition to that we were no where near as fashionable.

3. All they do is screw. I don't know about you guys, but it seriously wasn't a good thing to be a ho. All the girls on LB (Jesus I'm using the slang, I'm so embarrassed) are screwing for what it's worth. When I was a teen if you were having sex you kept it to yourself because no one wanted to be called a ho.

4. Their lives are 20 times better then mine is right now. I'm jealous of those kids, I admit it. They have looks, money, clothes, cars, fame and basically no responsibility because their parents are footing their bills.

I hate them with a blinding purple passion because it's not fair.

I've vented so now I'll start working and waiting for the season finale because it's going to air commercial free. I'm so excited


  • At 5:28 PM, Blogger cookie21204 said…

    Gotdamit!!! I missed the season finale because I was watching fucking Saw 2. Shit..They better have a marathon this weekend too.

  • At 3:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    The season finale hasnt happened yet vagitis. Simmer.
    I have to shamefully admitt that I am all into this show too. I dont know how it happened exactly but it did. There's got to be something that im missing...
    ... oh yeah a life

  • At 9:35 AM, Blogger trejan29 said…

    It's an unexplainable addiction and I don't know why I watch. I think my boyfriend loses respect for me everytime he sees me watching that mess.


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