Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Damn You MTV!!!

I'm back again to confess another sin. I watch that show 8th and Ocean on MTV. I really can't tell you why exactly. My relationship with MTV is very very dysfunctional. You see, I'm a 27 yr old adult and MTV is all about tweens, teens or young young adults (by which I mean 18-23). Those stupid Room Raiders, Date my Mom, Next and recently Yo Momma are proof positive that MTV is for kids. Who else would watch that shit. I think they cause seizures if you have more than two brain cells and watch them. We "older" viewers can't find a show on that channel that features anyone even born in the same DECADE as we were anymore. It's pretty sad.

I thought that I could sink no lower than watching Laguna Beach, but I was wrong wrong wrong. 8th and Ocean. First of all, it's a boring show. All it's about is watching how "hard" it is to be a model. All the beautiful young models live in Florida and are on display and we watch them sit around their apartment having dumb converstaions with each other. That's pretty much it. We see them going to castings sometimes and we see them prepping for fashion shows sometimes. We see the owner of the agency they belong to talking to and about them. It's boring, I'm getting bored typing this. Yet I'm riveted. I watch it everytime it comes on and I'm home. I can't explain it. I have battered viewer syndrome. My head knows this is a dumb show. I mean 98% of the shows on that channel are dumb. Yet I watch and watch and watch. Damn you MTV, damn you to Hell!!!

Oh and if someone can tell me when that episode about Sabrina getting booked for a great job while Kelly sits at home is coming back on I'd appreciate it because I missed it and I'm pissed they haven't aired a rerun.


  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger Jhaldir said…

    LOL... Oh man... I can't believe you missed that episode! Yeah, Sabrina gets all jealous and throws a hissy fit because all of a sudden her sisters gets a gig and she doesn't. The funny thing is I could always tell Kelly apart from Sabrina because Sabrina seemed more confident and happy. But on that show it was like Sabrina started looking like Kelly and vice versa. It was downright freakish.

  • At 6:40 AM, Blogger trejan29 said…

    Thanks to the marathon yesterday I was FINALLY able to see that episode. The show is really truly awful. Extremely boring. Sabrina and Kelly are the only bright spots. I've never seen such a horrible relationship between twins. If there is a season two it should just be about Sabrina and Kelly.


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