Damn, Damn, Daaaayum!!!!
It's one of those days again.
I'm at work. Bored. Sleepy. And sore as hell from working out yesterday.
I'm convinced squats used to be a form of medievil torture. I can barely sit on a toilet let alone take a few steps without wincing in pain. Horrible.
I'm going back today for more torture. The party is over it's time for me to get my ass together.
Literally my ass. Thus the squats. I've decided that I'm going to be in the best shape of my life before I turn 30. That's only two years away so I've decided to start now.
I'm doing three count lunges today God help me.
I'm at work. Bored. Sleepy. And sore as hell from working out yesterday.
I'm convinced squats used to be a form of medievil torture. I can barely sit on a toilet let alone take a few steps without wincing in pain. Horrible.
I'm going back today for more torture. The party is over it's time for me to get my ass together.
Literally my ass. Thus the squats. I've decided that I'm going to be in the best shape of my life before I turn 30. That's only two years away so I've decided to start now.
I'm doing three count lunges today God help me.
At 8:24 AM,
cookie21204 said…
Lunges suck, but they work. I'm kind of glad now that my father called me fat all the time because I'd be just as big as some of these hoes around here.
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