This is bullshit!!!

Janet has ALWAYS had a history of gaining weight between albums. She's a vegetarian when she's on tour spouting off about healthy eating and exercise. But catch her a few months after the tour is over and a bear
couldn't wrestle a bucket of KFC away from her. It's EXTREMELY unhealthy for someone's weight to fluctuate like hers does. She probably goes from 120 to 160 between albums which is ridiculous. No one is mentioning that for some reason. It just proves that if she wasn't famous she'd be fat - and happy. So, when the photos of a fat Janet surfaced in November I wasn't shocked at all. The subsequent slim down photos weren't shocking either. What makes this whole thing ridiculous is I'm sure Janet isn't used to having all this scrutiny as she slims down so they had to come up with some bullshit explanation for all the extra poundage. She has an album coming out so she has to get it together and why not make her weight loss journey almost inspirational. Celebrities think the public is stupid and will believe anything they tell us.
Here are the steps in this bullshit story:
1.) Pick some sh*t no one can verify but that sounds semi believable. At first they floated the idea that she was stressed out after the Michael Jackson circus - I mean trial - but no one bought it. Then inspiration - ahhhh a movie role. Let's get the story out there.
Exhibit A
Jermaine Dupri started this lie in February. He conviently mentioned it to the NY Times "What people don't know is she gained weight for an Indie movie" was the quote I believe. Here we go on the bullshit trip. Fasten your seat belts.
2.) Make sure more pictures are taken of you in public going to and from the gym with your trainer. You have nothing to hide, you gained weight for a movie so act like you don't care.
Exhibit B

3.) Make sure some slim down pictures are taken. You're working hard and the weight should drop off since you're normally a fit healthy person.
Exhibit C

4.) Finally you're small. More photos:
Exhibit D

5.) After all this. Do a cover story about the whole experience. Nevermind that it's photoshopped to death because you're putting yourself out there. Besides most people are stupid and will believe this shit. No need to mention the amphetamines or anything else that contributed to my amazing transformation.
Exhibit E

6.) Step six remains to be seen. All this publicity will do nothing but good things in terms of album interest. We'll see how the first week's sales look.
This shit is sooooo outrageous I can barely translate my disgust into words. 60 pounds in FOUR months. Yeah, that's normal. It's not unhealthy at all. It's not sending the wrong message to millions of overweight people. Hey, Janet did it, I can too. You too can lose 60 pounds in four months if you work out and eat right. Nooooo, you don't need a personal trainer, a food delivery service, or even 12 hours of free workout time six days a week. Look to Janet. She'll show you the way.
At 9:20 AM,
cookie21204 said…
I swear to god,I was just going to write about this. The more coverage I see about this the more I'm convinced that she didn't get that big. She gained some weight, that's obvious by her face, but she didn't gain 60 pounds. I think maybe b/w 20-30 pounds. The rest is a fat suit under her clothes. She does this all the time b/w albums, why spotlight it now?
The indie film, bullshit, knew that from the get go. She just needed time to find a director who she could pay some money to go along with the lie, that's why the the lie is just now coming out. Also, Mariah Carey supposedly got the role, uh..she lost weight, and she's not shooting it anytime soon because she's going on tour this summer, so that's not plausible.
Janet also needs something to talk about besides the super bowl. That's where this shit is coming from.
Hey Janet, why not just tell you fans that you like to eat when you're not working and your metabolism is shot to all hell, that's more plausible and relatable than some, hmmm...indie film that doesn't exist.
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