Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Monday, August 21, 2006

WTF happened to Jessica Simpson????

I used to like Jessica Simpson.
It was before Newlyweds.
I used to feel bad for her because the girl can sing waaaaaay better than Britney though not as well as Christina. She was in the middle and she kind of fell in with the Mandy Moore, Willa Ford crowd of blonde singers.
Then came Newlyweds and she became a super star.
But, this post isn't about her fame, singing or acting.
My question is what the fuck happened to her face???
I used to think Jessica was a gorgeous girl. Granted she had some nips and tucks, but she was really really pretty. You know that makes you sick to your stomach type of pretty.
Well, not any more.
What we have here is a lesson folks. Hollywood destroys people.
It makes people turn themselves into monsters.
Let's start from the beginning.

This is the cute trying to make it, young Jess.
Very pretty.

Jess got her nose done and is trying to sex it up more to get some attention.

I think Jessica looks great here. Newlyweds was a hit, so was her album.


Then, she hoe-ed it up for that horrible video for These Boots were made for walkin from Dukes of Hazzard

Broke up with Nick and then got her lips done which was a disaster not to mention unnecessary

Started partying and looking coked-out

And I'll cut it short because I could keep going but this:

completely fucking ridiculous!!!!
Note the over done lips, the bad extensions, the botox frozen face, the deer in headlights coked out expression.
What the fuck happened to this girl????
Hollywood. Clearly the land of illusions if Jessica thinks all her nips and tucks were an improvement.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pay attention all you hard working fashion students LC is the reason you work at JC Penny

The Hills.
I promised myself I wouldn't get sucked in.
After the shame that came with my obsession with Laguna Beach and 8th and Ocean I thought I had kicked the habit.
But alas I sit. I watch. I seethe. I envy. I hate.
For those fortunate individuals who haven't succumbed to that irrestible temptation to watch mindless drivel I'll provide a recap.
The Hills is a Laguna Beach spinoff - hold on a sec -Lord God in heaven what is the world coming to and what's wrong with my life that I actually watch this mindless scripted bullshit that MTV tries to pass off as reality and feel envious and angry because I wasn't born rich and I have to work for everything in my life while less deserving people get everything they want and then some. Why God WHYYYYYYYYY. I shout - back to the recap
Ok - the Hills is a Laguna Beach spinoff that follows two of these chicks:

It's supposed to chronicle their days trying to make it in the real world.
You know how hard it is. Struggling to eat let alone pay all your bills. Working horrible jobs that get you no where. This would probably be a good time to mention that this is all complete bullshit. They're all rich and I'm sure that those MTV cameras had absolutely nothing to do with LC getting an internship at Teen Vogue.
The most recent episode pushed me over the edge and forced me to blog on the show because it's that ridiculous.

The show follows LC (pictured below) as she struggles to make it in "The Hills" i.e. The Hollywood Hills.

She grew up in Laguna Beach, Ca. She was the narrator of the first season of Laguna Beach.
He parents are very rich and she's going to FIT ( I think that's the school) in Cali.
She lives in an unbelievable DUPLEX, goes to fashion school and works as an intern at Teen Vogue. I don't think any of those things bring a check in every two weeks so, you draw your own conclusion.

She lives with this chick. Heidi

I don't know who Heidi is. All I know is Heidi was in fashion school too, but she dropped out because . . . umm she wanted to. She lives with Lauren and is as dumb as a bag of rocks. I'm sure she also has rich parents. Never worked hard for anything.
She ended up with a great job working for LA party planning extrodinaire Brent Bolthouse somehow (cough MTV cough cough).

The main reason I was disgusted beyond belief with this show other than the obvious (you know it really brings home the notion that life isn't fair and it isn't what you know it's who you know)
is in the season finale LC was offered the chance to work at Vogue in Paris and TURNED IT DOWN to spend the summer with her dumb coke-head boyfriend who she isn't even with anymore if all the internet gossip is true.
She turned it down.
I'm sure some poor talented fashion student just jumped off a bridge.
That's what it's like to be rich and have options I guess.
You get to spit on things that someone else would give their right arm to have and will never probably get close to.
So, all you future Donna Karen's out there you'd better apply at your local J.C. Penny because unless you have connections or an MTV camera crew you're not going anywhere else.