Modern Tempting

I'm striving to provide comfort to those higher thinking individuals in this world with the knowledge that they're not alone. You're not alone out there! Some of us have common sense and the desire to elevate our minds above the senseless masses.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Saggy Titties are never cute ladies.

Thank God this summer is winding down.
It gets hot out and people lose their damn minds.
And by people, I'm referring to that large group of individuals who shed their clothes as soon as the temp hits 80 degrees no matter what their bodies look like.
Apparently, lots of bras were left in drawers, in closets on floors or where ever because they certainly weren't holding up all the saggy breasts that I was unfortunate enough to see.
Was there some anti bra revolution that I was unaware of???
Ladies, ladies, ladies please stop.
I saw a middle ages woman whose breasts were slapping against her knees yesterday. I almost gagged.
Saggy titties never equal cute. EVER.
I mean do guys actually like this look and I'm just hopelessly unaware???

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Trainwreck Alert

Did anyone happen to catch DMX's reality show on BET last night???
Well I did. And if you haven't watched it you need to program it into your tivo.
The man is a full out unabashed crack head. And it's actually kind of sad.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I can't take it anymore

I am sooooooo sick of this bitch.
I have tried (hard mind you) not to jump on the I hate Beyonce because I'm Jealous but like to pretend that I'm not train, but damn. I am truly sick of the sight of her face. My GOD hasn't anyone ever heard of oversaturation??? She has that new God-awful song out. She has a new album coming out. Dreamgirls comes out in December. So there is going to be non - stop Beyonce for the rest of this calendar year. God help us. I don't get this chick. Honestly I don't. Ok, I'll admit I liked Destiny's Child in the pre-drama The Writings on the Wall days. But damn. That was their only good album. Survivor SUCKED donkey ass. Destiny Fulfilled was garbage. I've never even given Dangerously in Love a real listen. She has about as much personality as a head of lettuce. She CAN NOT ACT worth a damn. And since she's taken to wailing through songs my opinion of her singing has plummeted.

I am just sick of her. Sick of her name. Sick of her voice. Sick of hearing people rave about her curves and her talent. Sick of hearing how she wishes she was taken more seriously as an artist. Sick of it all. Some one should tell her that old adage - Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Sit down bitch!!!